Oh Ruchard give it up son. Everyone can see the hasbara hat you wear. You clwons need to get a new act and people are not so stupid any of your apologies for a terrorist regime turn any heads. The best you can do with your feeble irrational smoke and mirrors efforts is to slow down the rate of decline, you can't turn anybody back from the truth once they have seen through the Zionist bulls#it.Gays who wish to take part in activism in other moral campaigns need to leace their sexual proclivities at the door. Making a song and dance about being a Gay Palestinian supporter is ridiculous and against the spirit of Palestinian activism. It has as much relevance as me announcing my favorite sexual position or how many times my wife and I have sex in a night as part of my support for Palestine. Who cares except me? So leave your sexuality out of this, it is not relevant and represents another cause which is not related anyway.